⚙️How to Mint an NFT from a Smart Contract on Etherscan
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Find our Smart Contract on Etherscan: https://etherscan.io/address/0xBdbA884842f9A56D3fFE31c7a59F03DbB9153883
Navigate to “Contract” then "Write Contract" Once on the Contract page you will need to push the Contract button near the bottom bringing up Code, Read Contract, and Write Contract. Here, you will select the Write Contract option. Write Contract will bring up several options that execute a function defined on the smart contract.
Click “Connect to Web3” and connect your wallet (You can choose whether to use MetaMask or WalletConnect).
Select this Contract function: mintMadGoblin Expanding the “mintMadGoblin” will give you the option to mint. Insert the mint price in the first box (0.03) and the number you would like to mint in the second box. If you wanted to mint three Mad Goblins, you would type "0.09" in first box and "3" in second box.
Click on the Write button and sign the transaction on your wallet to complete the transaction.